Wednesday, June 17, 2009

TV Talking Heads Talking About the Lakers Parade

I propose that the "Sorry I fucked that Colorado girl and almost got charged with rape" ring Kobe gave his wife should be auctioned to cover the cost of today's parade. C'mon Vanessa, hook up all the poor fans that made your husband rich by spending all their money on those stupid car flags. I feel so positive about the future when the state I just moved to is now a segment on CNN. On today's "Issue #1: Crisis in California" (cue graphic of state of California wrapped in dollar bills), Bernard Parks, LA City Councilman was interviewed about the cost of today's Lakers parade. Here's some fun financial fun facts about the parade:
  • The estimated cost of today's parade is $2 million.
  • Private donors donated about $850,000.
  • The Lakers are covering the $1 million in production costs.
  • The city can pay up to $1 million for cops and transportation.
Here's some less fun facts about the state's financial state:
  • The state's budget is short by $24 billion.
  • State unemployment is 12.5% (I have the honor of still contributing to New York's unemployment rate)
  • The state is $59 billion in debt.
  • 21,000 homes have foreclosed on this year.
  • The state could run out of money by July 28.
Bernard Parks assured us that corporate donors will reimburse the city for any costs. CNN firecracker, Kyra Phillips asked if that corporate goodwill will extend to the city's school system and help out the teachers that are getting fired. Zing! The most hateful thing about the parade aside from Kobe Bryant's general presence: David Beckham is on a team bus.


  1. In the second set of bullet points, those millions should be billions. Yep, we're up a creek without a paddle.

  2. girl, that's totally what i call her ring too!!!

